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Leader:   Colin Woodland - breakfast@ashbyu3a.co.uk - 01530 413867

The Breakfast Group meets on the 3rd Thursday of the month at various venues around Ashby for a late breakfast.

A Group co-ordinator, and some other details, have yet to be sorted out.
In the mean time Colin Woodland is organising things. Contact him via the email address above if you wish to come along.

Future programme

Thu 18th Jul10:00 amOlive Branch Cafe, School Lane LE65 2RF

<20th June 2024 - Lakeside Bistro, Moira

Ten of us descended upon the Lakeside Bistro which Brenda Dummer had kindly arranged while Colin and Sharon were away galivanting in the USA. The menu provided choices suitable for everyone and the staff were very happy to cater for special dietary needs and just plain old pickiness cheerfully. The lake provided a very pleasant view as we consumed our meals and caught up with everyone's news.

If you would like to join us at the Olive Branch Cafe on 18th July at 10am, please contact Colin Woodland at breakfast@ashbyu3a.co.uk and he will add you to the list of attendees.

If anyone would like to have the fun of arranging these breakfasts, please let Colin Know and he will be pleased to help you take over the role.