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The Computer Group

Leader:  John Howlett - computer@ashbyu3a.co.uk - phone 01530 461774

Helpline: help.computer@ashbyu3a.co.uk

The Computer Group meets twice a month on the first Wednesday and third Monday of the month at 2pm.

We are not all computer geeks, but between us we know something about most types of computer whether it is Windows, Apple Mac, iPad or Android.

We also discuss how to look after the files, music or photos on your computer, how to make backups or how to copy them to DVD or all sorts of "interesting" problems. One thing we can't do is undertake hardware repairs, but we might know someone who can!

So if there is something you don't understand about your computer, from the simplest to the more esoteric, come along and we'll see if we can help.


Email our Computer Helpline with any problems or questions. We can email you back, or better still, you can come along to the next meeting and someone may have worked out your problem and be able to talk you through it.

Send us details of your problem to help.computer@ashbyu3a.co.uk

Future programme

Wed 7th Aug2:00 pm16 Winchester Way
Mon 19th Aug2:00 pm16 Winchester Way
Wed 4th Sep2:00 pm16 Winchester Way
Mon 16th Sep2:00 pm16 Winchester Way
Wed 2nd Oct2:00 pm16 Winchester Way
Mon 21st Oct2:00 pm16 Winchester Way

3rd July

We had five today, with few problems to solve.
Peter needs to renew his Blue Badge online, so wanted to take a photo on his laptop to insert into the application.
However, his laptop camera was not opening properly, so Richard stepped in to help. After a few puzzling moments they were successful.
The next step was to work out how to add a photo to a word document. This is done by using the Print Screen function (CTRL/Alt/Print Sc) to capture the image, then Right Click/Paste to insert it.
Sylvia also wanted to know how to use her laptop camera. JD found that the camera was still covered by the packing strip, so we removed it.
The camera has a useful privacy slider, so that it can be blocked if necessary.
We next meet on Monday 15th July at Winchester Way at 2.00 pm