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The Family History Group

Leader:  John Dogherty - familyhistory@ashbyu3a.co.uk - phone 01530 411148

Future programme

Wed 14th Aug2:00 pmNo Meeting WhatsApp available
Wed 11th Sep2:00 pm2 Marlborough Way

10th July

Because of holidays and illness, we had had a smaller than usual group of 5 at table today, although three or four more joined in a lively discussion on WhatsApp about Ancestry DNA and Traits facilities. Lots going on and plenty of interaction and members helping each other, using WhatsApp much as we did during Lockdown.
John D worked on disentangling two families on his tree that had become confused with each other.
Elizabeth is still chasing her 3x great grandmother and her interesting (if fishy) past
Sue is working on her 3 and 4x great grandparents on the Norfolk coast
Adrian is working on a project to assemble the family names he encountered in a display at a Norfolk church to see if they are in groups connected to his trees.
Eileen is struggling to connect the two Dumolo trees she has identified.
Ana, by WhatsApp, reported that she is busy with sorting out her files and folders, and trying to track the owners of the ‘Ana’ name of whom there are several!
Mary reported via WhatsApp that she has received back a book on Hearth Taxes she lent out. She is offering it for the perusal of the Group if anyone is interested.
After the meeting closed there was a lively discussion on the allocation in Ancestry of DNA to parents 1 and 2, and which actual parent this referred to.
The majority concurred that Parent 1 is the female side, but JD and CD reported the opposite. Also discussed was the ‘Traits’ feature of Ancestry.
It seems unclear whether it is of real use, but it is certainly interesting to know, for instance, if one is liable to an allergy to certain herbs.

The August meeting at 2 Marlborough Way will not take place because of holidays, although WhatsApp will be open if people wish to discuss things.

We next meet on Wednesday 11th September at 2 Marlborough Way at 2.00 pm.