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The Walking Group

Leader:  Kevin Green - walks@ashbyu3a.co.uk - phone 07470 227536

The leader will be at the meeting place whatever the weather and only cancel the walk in consultation with those who turn up on the day. All dogs must be kept under control at all times. Walking boots or strong shoes are recommended. Be prepared for bad weather by taking warm WATERPROOF clothing. Leaders act in a voluntary capacity. All ramblers walk at their own risk.

If you are going to be delayed or you need to contact the leader for any other reason, their mobile numbers are given below.

The walk leader is responsible for advising the webmaster of the start point of the walk, and afterwards sending him a walk report. The first aid box and list of emergency contacts will be passed on after each walk to the next leader or to Kevin Green.

Anybody who would like a lift please contact Kevin via mobile or email and I'll arrange with a driver.

Future programme

Tue 16th Jul9.45 for 10am startMeet at the car park opposite the Old Dog pub near Thorpe In the Peak District DE6 2ATTrevor and Val
07970 590931
Car park charge is around £4 and you can pay by card. Please bring food and drink for picnic as we will be stopping en route for lunch. The walk will be through Thorpe village then part of the Dove valley and Tissington village. Around 6mls.
Tue 6th AugTBA
Tue 20th AugMeet at NT Dovedale car park.David and Lilian
07934 423333
Details to follow.
Tue 3rd Sep9.45 for 10am startMeet at Staff of Life, TicknallVal and Chris
07941 479950
Ticknall wheel walk to Woodend Cottage and St Brides. 7 miles
Tue 17th SepTBA

Tuesday 18th June. Chatsworth, led by Kevin and Christine

Despite several of the group being away on holiday and the weather still unsettled, eleven of us turned up for a walk in Derbyshire. After ordering our lunch and taking the group photo we set off from Baslow and entered the Chatsworth Estate though the Cannon Kissing Rotary Gate. Following the course of the river Wye we had magnificent views of Chatsworth House before a steep climb and a ridge with more lovely views of the house and the village of Edensor in the distance. After passing the water reservoirs that feed the water fountain, we stopped for a short period of time at the Hunting lodge again with views overlooking the Derbyshire countryside. Following our stop, we began our decent back to Baslow and lunch at the Wheatsheaf Pub in Baslow.

Photos by Kevin

Previous walks