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The Medium Walking Group

Co-ordinator:   Alison Thompson - mediumwalk@ashbyu3a.co.uk - phone 07930 557432

The leader will be at the meeting place whatever the weather and only cancel the walk in consultation with those who turn up on the day. All dogs must be kept under control at all times. Walking boots or strong shoes are recommended. Be prepared for bad weather by taking warm WATERPROOF clothing. Leaders act in a voluntary capacity. All ramblers walk at their own risk.

The walk leader is responsible for advising the webmaster of the start point of the walk, and afterwards sending him a walk report. The first aid box and list of emergency contacts will be passed on after each walk to the next leader or to Alison.

Future programme
DateTimeVenueLeaderDistance and details

Monday 10th June. From Cropston, led by Alison

Our group of 8 walkers set off from The Badgers Sett in Cropston on a day that promised to be dry but definitely not sunny.

We set off along Causeway Lane and onto the footpath that runs parallel with Cropston Reservoir and entered Bradgate Park opposite Bradgate House. Our route took us up hill towards Old John before we veered off right to the gate between Hunts Hill and the Cropston car park and walked into Swithland Wood. We walked around the Great Pit and onto to Puddle Dyke - here the route was flooded - so a small retracing of our steps and out onto Roecliffe Road and then to our cars. The park looked beautiful, we saw several groups of deer and the peacocks in Bradgate House were in fine voice.

The walk was a little longer than expected at 5.9 miles but we did stay dry and were back at The Badgers Sett for our lunch at 12.45pm

Photos by Alison

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