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The Reading Group

Leader:  Annie Scotney - reading@ashbyu3a.co.uk -

The Reading Group normally meets at 2pm on the third Wednesday in the month at Annie's house.

This group is complementary to the longer established 'Literature Group' but has a wider remit that includes fiction and non-fiction. Once a month we'll meet to discuss something we have all read. We're open to any material suggested by the members of the group. It could be something they have already read and enjoyed (or hated); that sounds interesting; that informs or challenges: the main criteria being that it provides a starting point for sharing and discussion. Our aim is to produce a list for several sessions in advance to allow time for reading and we'll try to keep costs down by actively looking for material that is available from libraries, second hand, or in digital or audio format.

Future programme


The group is suspended until the autumn due to low attendance.

The next scheduled meeting was due to be on 15th May at 2pm at Annie's house, and the book for discussion was to be 'A Man Called Ove' by Fredrick Backman. However only one group member replied to the invite, and they would be away on holiday that date, so I shall postpone any restart until the autumn and make a real push to recruit more people then.
