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The Scrabble Group

Leader:  Usha Sood - scrabble@ashbyu3a.co.uk -
Group Contact: Estelle Sandles 01530 234309

The Scrabble Group meets fortnightly on a Monday at 10.30 am (unless it is a Bank Holiday) in The Bulls Head, Ashby. We play one, two or more boards depending on the numbers of members attending. There is no charge for the room at the pub provided everyone patronises the bar for tea, coffee or something stronger.

Future programme

Mon 29th Jul10.30 amThe Bulls Head, Ashby
Mon 12th Aug10.30 amThe Bulls Head, Ashby
Mon 26th Aug - No meeting today. Bank Holiday
Mon 9th Sep10.30 amThe Bulls Head, Ashby
Mon 23rd Sep10.30 amThe Bulls Head, Ashby


After setting up the group and successfully running it for the past year, Sylvia has decided to step down from leading the group, and Usha is going to take over running it. As Usha doesn't have email, our Group Coordinator, Estelle has offered to be the contact point for the group. Her details are on the website. The group's WhatsApp Group will continue to operate as well.

We are continuing to meet fortnightly at the Bull’s Head, Market St, 10.30 on a Monday for fun sessions of Scrabble. Send an email to the address above if you’d like to try us out. It’s fun and sociable.