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The Short Walking Group

Leader:  John Howlett - ShortWalk@ashbyu3a.co.uk - phone 01530 461774

The leader will be at the meeting place whatever the weather and only cancel the walk in consultation with those who turn up on the day. All dogs must be kept under control at all times. Walking boots or strong shoes are recommended. Be prepared for bad weather by taking warm WATERPROOF clothing. Leaders act in a voluntary capacity. All ramblers walk at their own risk. The walk will be about 2 or 3 miles and not include any stiles.

Future programme

Fri 19th Jul10:00 amMeet at Mount St Bernard Abbey for a walk LE67 5ULJohn DA hilly walk and a visit to a nearby cafe.

Friday 21st June. Meet at the lower car park of Beacon Hill, Breakback road, Woodhouse Eaves, LE12 8SP

On a Sunny day 11 people met in the lower car park. We started the walk by following the coloured posts but they were only on a kilometre walk so we continued the climb following the fun run markers. We stopped at the wood carving enclosure who produce the various wood carvings around the site, We also stopped at the gate that leads to the peak and which contains the trig point. We continued on to the peak and a few climbed the short distance to the trig point. We went through the gate onto the other path down still following the fun run course. On the way down we passed the carving of a sheep with its lamb on its back. We also saw some Alpacas mixed in with a flock of sheep and goats, At the bottom we passed the 2 mile sign so we went for a drinks break.Total distance just over 2 miles.

Photos by Margaret and John D

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