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The Wine Appreciation Group

Leader:  Annie Scotney - wine@ashbyu3a.co.uk -


The objective of the group is to widen the members’ experience of wines and all matters pertaining to wines. Annie Scotney has agreed to be the initial leader of the group and to coordinate meetings. The group began by simply gathering together to discuss personal favourite wines, bringing a bottle with them to provide a small taste. We are currently tasting a choice of wines bought by a different member each month. Those present at the tasting share the cost.

If you are interested in joining us please contact Annie at wine@ashbyu3a.co.uk.

We currently meet on the third Wednesday of the month at 7pm.

Future programme

Wed 17th Jul7:00 pmAnnie's house

19th June

This month there were just 5 of us to taste Ken's selection of 4 South African wines.

We started with a Chenin Blanc from Tesco. This was a 2022 Bellingham Barnard at £12 reduced to £10. A bit pricier then we would normally pay but as Ken pointed out cheaper Chenin Blancs are often not very good!

This was though very nice. Very smooth and with no acidity at all without being sweet despite having a distinct initial honey flavour on the tongue. We all liked this a lot, even those who don’t normally enjoy white wines. It scored 38/50.

Next was a Tesco Finest Pinotage from Stellenbosch 2022 vintage and a pretty powerful 14%. Priced £8 down to £7.
This was surprisingly spicey and drying in the mouth despite not being at all tannic. Not liked at all by some, it only scored 32.5/50

Third came another Tesco Finest, this time a 2022 Shiraz from Swartland also at 14% and £8 down to £7. This was not as spicey as the last one despite Shiraz wines normally being spicey. It tasted of dark fruits such as cherries and plums. Quite rich, heavy and tannic. A solid wine, this scored 36/50.

Lastly came a 2022 Excelsior Cabernet Sauvignon from De Wet Winery in Robertson Valley also at 14% (a good job we were just tasting and not drinking in quantity!). this was supplied by Laithwaites at £15 reduced to £12. This was liked by everyone, even our pickiest tasters, full bodied ripe blackcurrant, plum and sweet spicey flavours. A great wine for steak.

This tasting convinced a couple of us doubters that we could like S African wines after all. An interesting session with some great conversation to go with it.